
Lunes, Pebrero 1, 2010


OMG!... I'm officially back to my shopping frenzy which I thought I'm over with! It started from reading all those beautiful blogs and seeing their love for fashion! And I'm glad I'm not alone coz' my bff chelle is also doing her shopping spree there in the US. And we exchanged pix to show off our new purchases and what's amazing is its like we can read each other's mind since we bought almost the same stuffs during the weekend. Here are the purchases we've had, some are really expensive while some are bargains.

My new shoes which i really love from Zoo York

The "Close to the original chain bag that I've been drooling on, from ukay ukay for 280 pesos.

Ring I bought while we are walking on the sidewalks for 50.

Chelle's new shoes, pretty neat huh? We both loved it!

Chelle's new necklace. So nice.

The sunglasses she wore when she arrived and really looked like a balikbayan.

Its really funny how our minds connect and yet our fashion statements are kinda different. But we love each other and we love dressing up!